
Archive for January, 2009

Hamas and democracy in Palestine

January 29, 2009 Leave a comment

By: Esfandiar Khodaee

56586588568Hamas really represents the Palestine nation in a clear democratic way. Nobody can deny the fact that Hamas democratically won the public election about two years ago. Yet the UN and the west and even some Arab nations do not make any political relations with Hamas.

Hamas and Palestinian people have experienced loneliness for 60 years. Now and in the 22 day war they learnt the great fact that the key of their victory is in their own hand. And they should depend on themselves and their own resistance not the timid Arab governments or the United Nation.

The Problem With HAMAS

January 29, 2009 Leave a comment

The problem with HAMAS is testosterone and a memory for events of some 60 years ago. It is difficult for a race of testosterone bearing people to forget land-theft. It is difficult for a race of testosterone bearing people to forget genocide. And right there in the Middle East, practically standing shoulder to shoulder are people who have experienced both.

Chased from Europe by genocide, testosterone bearing people settled in Palestine in the mist of a different race of testosterone bearing people. That, of course, is a catalyst for war. One group had the assistance of the United Nations. The other group did not. From this explosive mixture, came the birth of a country called Israel and the start of a very long terrorist “war”. Read more…